Baby Delonie
Baby Delonie
Fundraiser Goal -
Funds Raised -
Days to go

Kayla Howard is organizing this fundraiser.
Campaign Story
Hello to all!! My name is Kayla(26), I’m currently in a place in life I’ve never been before. I’m a survivor of DV, I was with my abuser for 6 years before I was able to get away. In that time I had 3 beautiful babies they are the only good thing that came from all those years of suffering a lot of what I went through I did so alone. I was never able to experience a happy pregnancy or what it would be like to have a loving supportive partner at my side who would be just as excited to meet his baby as I was. Not until now….in 2021 I met the other half of my soul MY PERSON, my partner and my true love, my husband Dontee’(34) he rescued me from a nightmare I thought I’d never wake up from. He took me In baggage and all and never once made me feel guilty or like I owe him anything, even though I owe him THE WORLD. See before I left my abuser I had my tubes tied thinking I was done having babies. And truly I WAS. But I’ve sat back and looked over the last decade of my life, and I never really stood up for myself or anything that I’ve wanted. I’m stepping into a new chapter in my life and I can finally say I would like to experience true happiness in all the ways I never got to before. I want to have a baby with my husband who has no kids of his own, I want us to be able to experience the joy of new life together.
I’m starting this fundraiser to raise money for IVF treatments we both work full time, but this journey is a expensive one. I can’t express how much it would mean to my family for any donations you see fit to bless us with I truly THANK YOU ALL FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART GOD BLESS 💜
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Kayla Howard is organizing this fundraiser.